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Student Experience: Enhancing CX for Educational Businesses

In today's competitive landscape, providing an exceptional student experience (SX) is crucial for the success and growth of any educational institution. Whether your company trains designers about color theory or you’re running a collegiate-level coding institution, experience is still everything. You have to ensure that each student’s journey is both rewarding and engaging. In this way, educational organizations must prioritize maintaining an exceptional experience to attract and retain students.

In this blog, we’ll explore practical and effective strategies to enhance CX in educational settings. Learn to create a supportive and enriching environment that meets the evolving needs of your students. Whether you're managing a school, college, or online learning platform, these tips will guide you in evaluating and elevating your student experience to new heights.

Understanding Your Student Experience

In any business, it’s important to understand who your audience is. That way, you can better address their struggles and provide solutions. For an educational business, this means you’ll need to define who will be studying in your program—so you can make their student experience better. 

Here are some questions you can ask yourself about the demographics of your students: 

  • Who would benefit from taking your classes? What is your target audience? 
  • Why are these people interested in your classes? What will they enjoy most? 
  • What is your average student’s age range, socioeconomic class, and location? 
  • Do your students already have prior knowledge or experience in this field? How will that affect their interest in your program? 
  • What common obstacles will your program help students overcome? What are their pain points? 

By knowing who your students are—their age, background, interests, learning styles, and other key characteristics—you can tailor your programs, services, and communication strategies to better meet their needs. Plus, with this knowledge, you can generate stronger leads to fill your classes. This personalized approach fosters a more inclusive and engaging learning environment. Undoubtedly, this will in turn increase student satisfaction and success. 

Additionally, demographic insights can help identify potential gaps or opportunities in your offerings. With that knowledge, you can adapt and innovate more effective ways to grow and improve your business. Truly, knowing who your potential students are is the best starting place for boosting student experience. 

Optimize Communication

One of the most common complaints about student experience at any institution can be fixed by better communication. Students—and prospective students—should know exactly what they’re getting into when they sign on for your program. To improve overall SX, make sure all your promotional materials set clear expectations up front. 

Furthermore, potential students should understand what they’ll be getting out of your program. Whether it’s a new skill set, a credential, or an educational experience, students should be able to easily identify what they achieved during their time. That way, they can be satisfied with their results. But don’t overpromise. Just establish real, tangible goals and objectives—and then follow through with helping your students achieve them. 

During your program, students should also be able to get answers for questions as they arise. Here are a few examples: 

  • Clarifying queries about topics discussed in class.
  • Requests for information about offerings.
  • Queries about enrollment, subscriptions, cancellations, absences, refunds, and more. 

One way of handling the majority of these frequently asked questions is to use an AI-powered chatbot on your website. That way, the software can take the bulk of the workload off your teachers and employees—so they can handle more complex queries. 

Regardless, in order to improve student experience, clear communication channels should be in place and available for use whenever needed. 

Enhance Student Experience in the Learning Environment

Once you have people interested in your offerings, what does their student experience look like—and how can you improve? There are several key areas where your business can optimize SX for the duration of your program. 

Learning Management Systems

While the format of your particular platform may be unique, there are plenty of digital programs out there that can help you run your business. If you’re looking to enhance the student learning experience and streamline operations, consider investing in a Learning Management System (LMS). An LMS provides a centralized platform for delivering course content, tracking student progress, and facilitating communication between instructors and students. This not only improves accessibility and organization, but it also enables personalized learning experiences tailored to individual student needs. 

Additionally, an LMS can offer valuable analytics and insights, which can help educators refine their teaching strategies and improve overall educational outcomes. By adopting an LMS, you can stay competitive, efficient, and responsive to the evolving demands of modern learners.

Accessibility & Mobile Compatibility

You want your students to have as few obstacles as possible during their student experience. That’s why prioritizing accessibility is vital for creating an inclusive and effective learning environment. It’s not just about helping those with disabilities. It’s about providing tools for everyone to be able to get the most out of your program. 

There are a wide variety of readily-available accessibility tools to help your students learn more effectively: 

  • Screen Readers & Text-to-Speech: Software that reads text aloud. This aids visually impaired students, students with learning disabilities, and others. Plus, it helps busy students multitask, like listening to material while they exercise or use public transportation.

  • Closed Captions: Subtitles for audio and video content. This feature assists deaf and hard-of-hearing students. It also allows students to engage with content when they don’t have access to headphones or speakers, like when they’re working late at night.

  • Visual Aids: Adjustable text sizes, color contrast tools, and zoom features. These give users the power to make their learning environment more comfortable, even with visual impairments like colorblindness.

  • Alternative Input Devices: Speech-to-text tools, keyboard navigation, and more. This can support students with mobility impairments—for example, those who struggle with typing.

  • Note-Taking Apps: In-platform spaces in which to take notes. By enabling students to make and review notes, you’ll aid retention and facilitate access to other accessibility tools. 

Additionally, making course content mobile-compatible allows students to access learning resources anytime, anywhere. As more and more people prefer their mobile devices over traditional desktop computers and in-person learning environments, mobile compatibility enhances flexibility and convenience. Plus, the more time students spend on your platform and your material, the better they’ll be able to retain information.

By prioritizing accessibility and mobile compatibility, you can significantly enhance your student experience. 

Flexible Learning Options

Depending on your business model, your student experience may benefit from the addition of more flexible learning options. Not only can flexibility improve your accessibility—as stated above—but it can also widen your pool of potential students. For example, if you employ an online or hybrid learning program, students won’t have to be located near your campus in order to attend. They could commute less frequently, or telecommute. 

On the other hand, if your platform originated online, an in-person or hybrid experience might be a way for you to branch out. Consider inviting students to a conference, a master class, a networking day, or a special demonstration. They may appreciate the chance to see you and your team face-to-face—as well as fellow students.  

Foster Student Experience with Community

There are plenty of ways to enhance your student experience outside the classroom too. Giving students the opportunity to connect can foster a community of learners that support each other through their shared journey. Additionally, working with one another improves retention of new material. Plus, it gives them a chance to network with people from similar backgrounds. For example, host a student gathering, encourage team projects, or facilitate social sharing on platforms like Discord. 

Another way to establish a sense of community on your platform is to recognize and celebrate achievements. For students, this might be as simple as providing awards for outstanding contributions. For alumni, track their success and ask for testimonials you can share with current and prospective students. These awards don’t have to be mere participation trophies. But even a small gesture of appreciation can go a long way for student experience. 

Speaking of alumni, previous graduates can be a well of untapped potential for community-building. Testimonials are a great way to get started. You can also provide post-training support and career guidance. Ask esteemed alumni to return as guest teachers or lecturers. And never miss an opportunity to keep students networking with each other, as well as key players in their industry. 

Ultimately, the student community will have to be at least somewhat self-propelled. But by laying the groundwork and providing opportunity, you can spark connections that will last a lifetime. 

How to Gauge Improvement in Student Experience

While you strive to continually improve your student experience, it’s important to remember that you need hard data to determine whether your strategies are working. The best way to get that data is to conduct CX evaluations and student surveys. 

A CX evaluator, also known as a secret shopper, can give you an objective view of your educational platform from the inside out. They’ll pose as a new student, simulate an authentic student experience, and then give you a report on their findings. A quality CX report will show you the areas where your business shines, as well as areas that could use improvement. By conducting regular CX evaluations, you’ll be able to see your progress over time. 

Customer surveys are less objective, as they’re typically completed by current or former students. However, they can provide you with valuable feedback. For example, create a customer survey that students can take after they’ve completed a class. Alternatively, when a student unsubscribes from your coursework, ask them to take an exit survey to see why they chose not to continue. 

When you combine all this data together, you’ll get a clearer picture of the state of your business—and your student satisfaction. 

Level Up Your Student Experience

Enhancing the student experience is crucial for the success of any educational business, regardless of the subject matter or learning format. By understanding your students' demographics, optimizing communication, and leveraging tools like LMSs and accessibility features, you can significantly improve your educational offerings. Additionally, providing flexible learning options and fostering a sense of community can further enrich the student experience. 

Remember that regular CX evaluations and surveys will help you gauge the effectiveness of your strategies, ensuring continuous improvement. Ultimately, a focus on enhancing SX not only attracts and retains students but also sets your institution apart in the competitive educational landscape.